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Rabbit Quiz

You think you know your rabbit facts? Take this quiz to find out!


How long do rabbits usually live?

a. 12 – 15 years

b. 10 – 12 years

c. 5 years


How much cage space do rabbits need?

a. At least a 3ft x 3ft x 2ft cage

b. At least a 2ft x 2ft x 2ft cage

c. At least a 1ft x 1ft x 1ft cage


Can rabbits have Tomatoes?

a. No!

b. Maybe just a little?

c. Yes!


Can rabbits have cherries?

a. Yes but without the seed

b. They can have the whole thing

c. No they can’t have cherries


How much time should you spend with your rabbit a day at minimum?

a. 1 hour

b. 40 minutes

c. 20 minutes


How often should a rabbit’s nails be clipped?

a. Every few months

b. Every few weeks

c. Once every 8 months


When do a rabbit’s teeth stop growing?

a. They never stop

b. When they are old

c. When they are 24 months old


In the summer, what is the max temperature your rabbit should be outside in?

a. 90 degrees

b. 95 degrees

c. 105 degrees


What will a rabbit most likely do when he feels scared or threatened?

a. Thump his back feet

b. Thump his front feet

c. Raise up onto his hind feet


Can rabbit’s be paired together and live together?

a. It depends on the rabbit’s personalities

b. It depends on the rabbit’s sex

c. You should never pair rabbits.




Mostly A’s – you have clearly done your research on rabbits and know how to properly care for them, and you may be ready to take on the responsibility of owning a rabbit!  


Mostly B’s – you may have done some research and know some basic rabbit care, but a little more may be needed before you can adopt a rabbit into your family.


Mostly C’s – you probably don’t know much about rabbits and you should do some more research on them before you think about adopting one.

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